About Us

The AWNFM is led by courageous women who have dedicated their lives to justice and equality. Profiles of key leaders, including Nargis Sadat and other pioneers, highlight their commitment to amplifying the voices of the oppressed.

The Afghanistan Women's New Future Movement (AWNFM) is a grassroots organization dedicated to advocating for the rights, dignity, and empowerment of Afghanistan women and girls. Founded by a collective of brave women’s rights activists, including survivors of oppression and leaders of social change, the movement was born in the aftermath of the political upheaval in Afghanistan.

Our Vision
A just and inclusive Afghanistan, where women’s voices are central to building a peaceful and prosperous society.

Our Mission
To create a future where Afghanistan women and girls are free from gender-based violence, empowered through education and leadership, and have access to equal opportunities in all spheres of life.


  • Successfully bringing cases of Taliban-led gender apartheid to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

  • Advocacy for the recognition of gender apartheid as a global human rights violation.

  • Providing education, psychological support, and resources for Afghanistan women and girls.

Our collective efforts continue to inspire Afghanistan women, both inside the country and in exile, to rise against injustice and create a brighter, more equitable future.

For more details about our work and impact, explore our advocacy, education, and community sections.

Our Story

The movement emerged from the resilience of women who have faced oppression, imprisonment, and exile. Their tireless advocacy led to international recognition of gender apartheid in Afghanistan and brought attention to the struggles of Afghan women under oppressive regimes.

Narges Sadat

Founder Of (AWNFm)



Narges Shukoor


Sumaya Shirzad